Bilingual Collection Now Available
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Families in Ohio now have the option to receive a 100% bilingual English/ Spanish Imagination Library book collection. The option is available to all children from birth to age five in Ohio!
For existing enrollments: Caregivers can log into the parent portal to update their language preference for books. If parents take this option, their child will receive all bilingual English/ Spanish Imagination Library books.
After logging in to the parent portal, the update can be done in the Book Language preferences section.
For new online enrollments: Caregivers can choose which collection of books they prefer when initially registering their child. Caregivers have two options:
a collection of books primarily in English with an occasional bilingual English/ Spanish book.
a collection of 100% bilingual English/ Spanish books.
Caregivers who want to register for the first time can sign up here.
The 2024 bilingual English/ Spanish book collection includes the following Imagination Library books.